Please Pardon the Lack of Perfection

Overcoming Perfectionism

Among my top 5 ADHD traits is perfectionism. While simple to define, it's difficult to fully understand how limiting perfectionism can be in day to day life. 

Perfectionism has many an ADHDer from starting projects, caused projects to end prematurely, and generally limited the ability to make progress on the things we feel are most important. 

What Does Perfect Mean Anyway?

What is perfectionism?

There are two types of people reading this post. 

  1. Those who wonder how I could pose such an existential question. 
  2. Those who completely understand that there is a "perfect" way to write, perfect phrases to use, perfect formatting, perfect images, and even perfect timing. In fact, the list goes on. 

A Double-Edged Sword

In some ways, having a perfectionistic personality can be good when it comes to jobs that require absolute precision. Perfectionism becomes a problem when that trait guides (just about) everything one does in life. It is in that way that I have struggled with perfectionism for the better part of my life. 

Some things don't have to be perfect. This blog post, for example, should be edited, reviewed, and for the most part be typo-free*. That said, there is no reason that it has to be "perfect". 

Support Me in Overcoming Perfectionism

    I thank you in advance for overlooking typos, mal-formed thoughts, and other errors you might encounter while browsing This ADHD Life, reading emails I send, or anything else I may produce.

    Done is Better Than Perfect

    In the quest to live a life that respects "Done is Better Than Perfect", I am consciously limiting how much time I spend making things "just right". 

    Standard disclaimer: Just because you read something on the internet does not mean it's great advice for you. Remember to experiment with what "sounds good" to you, and discard the rest. 

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